
Thursday, September 29, 2011

Story Part 5

Arriving in Hoofington beach, she encounters something she had only ever read about before: a seapony.  
(this is before Doug gets his armor btw....and I think he needs a pony name too.  Ideas?)

Everything is so shitty OTL

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Story Part 4

One day she gets news that something strange is happening at a local town, disrupting citizen's lives.  Being a naturally curious pony, she decides to investigate.


Story Part 3

Phoebe's best and only real friend was the baby dragon, Quill.  She didn't get along very well with other ponies, so Quill was often her only company.

Bluebottle and Featherstrum Doodle from pony class

Peer pressure >_< If you make me upload all my pony doodles the next 9 weeks will  be like constant pony spam. Also as you can see, this was in my notes...

Story Part 2

(Try to ignore the bad quality writing/captions thing.......I'll fix them later.  Oh...........and I have no idea how to achieve the "magic" effect, so you get a pink cloud, okay? :D)

Phoebe was also very accomplished at magic, mostly due to her vast knowledge of books.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Story Part 1

Phoebe always had a love of books and reading.  It came as no surprise that her cutie mark was a book.  

Ponies of Hoofington Beach

Yes, I am finally starting on a sort of story.  It'll be like a picture/caption sort of format.  Here's the title page.  I apologize if the art style keeps changing, I'm still experimenting quite a bit XD These poses were shamelessly stolen from official MLP:FIM art XD

Saturday, September 17, 2011

New Season :D

So Bluebottle, Phoebe, and Bluebolt are all watching the new episode of MLP:FIM..........and it's crappy, but I don't care XD Oh, and Bluebolt is saying, "Wait, magic?"  and then epic laughter commences :D